Samsung 840 Evo Performance Restauration / problém číslo.2

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Príspevky: 114
Dátum registrácie: So 16. Júl, 2011, 17:33
Bydlisko: Sobrance

Re: Samsung 840 Evo Performance Restauration / problém číslo

Príspevok od používateľa Marek848 »

Samsung Magician 4.9.6
◦Usable with: Samsung SSDs
◦Special feature: RAPID Mode (extreme benchmark score boost by data caching, not available with all Samsung SSDs)
◦Notes:◾The Magician SSD management utility is designed to work with all Samsung SSD products, including 470 Series, 750 Series, 830 Series, 840 Series, 850 Series and 950 Series. This software is not compatible with other manufacturer's SSDs.
◾No TRIM in RAID0 support!5dUxADAL!MoofA5QS2_Ne ... UW9V1WYxi8 :-)

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